I am in the United States of America for almost 8,5 months!! During this time, I have experienced the Saint Patrick's Day, Easter, the 4th of July, the 14th of July (I was in Paris during the summer), Halloween and, now, the Thanksgiving!
Thursday, November 22nd 2012
My host family and I were supposed to celebrate that day in Colorado (state) where my host mom grew up. Our trip started in the morning at 04:00 am., because we had to be early at the airport! After 3 hours flight, we reached to our destination, the Denver's airport, which is one of the biggest airport in the whole country. Leaving from the airport, we were heading to Golden, CO where we stayed for the night. That first night was the Thanksgiving day!!! PFFFFFF!!! So much food!!! I learnt how to roll instead of walking!!! :P Many dishes to taste and I wanted to taste them all!! I didn't want to miss out anything of this celebration, even the sweet potatoes with the melted butter, brown sugar and marshmallow on the top (it's a main dish, not a dessert!!). The whole decoration on the table was about the Thanksgiving. For example, turkey-candles, paper napkins with turkeys on etc. Everything was great!! I could say that I have an idea for what it's going to happen at Christmas!!! The food, the wine, the people, the laughter, the voices, the smells, everything was amazing! :D
Friday, November 23rd 2012
After a big breakfast meal (of course !!!! :P ), we left with destination Vail. Vail is a city close to Rocky mountains and it is "alive" because of the Vail Village, the ski resort. While I was in the car, I saw the snowing mountains, ponds frozen and pine trees everywhere!!
We arrived in Vail, and the first exploration just began! The Vail Village is almost a "copy" of Switzerland's ski resorts or the ski resorts that are placed in Alpes. The experience of the day was the ice skating! AAAAOOOUUUUCCCHHHHH!!!!! I have never tried it before, but then I wanted to do it! :P I did the round of the ice floor 7 times, holding always the sidebars, and I was better and better, BUT suddenly I lost my balance and I fell on the ice!!! AAAAOOOUUUUCCCHHHHH!!!!! My tail bone!!!! :'(
After my falling, I went for a walk (very slowly...I was in pain! ) and I saw the Colorado Ski Museum and the Vail Ski &Snowboard Academy! Furthermore, I haven't seen so many stores with the North Face brand inside!!!

Saturday, November 24th 2012
One of the children had his birthday (when he was born, it was Thanksgiving) !! It was one more special day of our trip, and specifically for him!!! :D After having breakfast, we went again to Vail Village, but that time we wanted to go up to the mountains with the ski lifts known as Gandhola! The scenery was breathtaking! I can't say anything else. If anyone had a similar experience, he/she could understand how beautiful can be!
Afterwards it was time for swimming!! We put our swimming suits on and went to the OPEN pool of the Vail Club Resort! It was freezing, but the pool was very warm and the hot tub besides even warmer!! It was quite refreshing!! :P
Sunday, November 25th 2012
We had returned to Golden the previous day, and it was time to explore Golden little bit more. What made me big impression is the Colorado Mountain College, because a whole mountain has the capital "M" letter on.
After, we went for a walk to the stores, but the children wanted to go for bowling!! They were very excited!!!
End of the day and eventually the end of the trip had come as well. We had to go back home and pack our things for the next morning's flight to Seattle, WA.
I will close this "journey" with that photo, which is my favorite!
Thursday, November 22nd 2012
My host family and I were supposed to celebrate that day in Colorado (state) where my host mom grew up. Our trip started in the morning at 04:00 am., because we had to be early at the airport! After 3 hours flight, we reached to our destination, the Denver's airport, which is one of the biggest airport in the whole country. Leaving from the airport, we were heading to Golden, CO where we stayed for the night. That first night was the Thanksgiving day!!! PFFFFFF!!! So much food!!! I learnt how to roll instead of walking!!! :P Many dishes to taste and I wanted to taste them all!! I didn't want to miss out anything of this celebration, even the sweet potatoes with the melted butter, brown sugar and marshmallow on the top (it's a main dish, not a dessert!!). The whole decoration on the table was about the Thanksgiving. For example, turkey-candles, paper napkins with turkeys on etc. Everything was great!! I could say that I have an idea for what it's going to happen at Christmas!!! The food, the wine, the people, the laughter, the voices, the smells, everything was amazing! :D
Friday, November 23rd 2012
After a big breakfast meal (of course !!!! :P ), we left with destination Vail. Vail is a city close to Rocky mountains and it is "alive" because of the Vail Village, the ski resort. While I was in the car, I saw the snowing mountains, ponds frozen and pine trees everywhere!!
We arrived in Vail, and the first exploration just began! The Vail Village is almost a "copy" of Switzerland's ski resorts or the ski resorts that are placed in Alpes. The experience of the day was the ice skating! AAAAOOOUUUUCCCHHHHH!!!!! I have never tried it before, but then I wanted to do it! :P I did the round of the ice floor 7 times, holding always the sidebars, and I was better and better, BUT suddenly I lost my balance and I fell on the ice!!! AAAAOOOUUUUCCCHHHHH!!!!! My tail bone!!!! :'(
Saturday, November 24th 2012
One of the children had his birthday (when he was born, it was Thanksgiving) !! It was one more special day of our trip, and specifically for him!!! :D After having breakfast, we went again to Vail Village, but that time we wanted to go up to the mountains with the ski lifts known as Gandhola! The scenery was breathtaking! I can't say anything else. If anyone had a similar experience, he/she could understand how beautiful can be!
Afterwards it was time for swimming!! We put our swimming suits on and went to the OPEN pool of the Vail Club Resort! It was freezing, but the pool was very warm and the hot tub besides even warmer!! It was quite refreshing!! :P
Sunday, November 25th 2012
We had returned to Golden the previous day, and it was time to explore Golden little bit more. What made me big impression is the Colorado Mountain College, because a whole mountain has the capital "M" letter on.
After, we went for a walk to the stores, but the children wanted to go for bowling!! They were very excited!!!
End of the day and eventually the end of the trip had come as well. We had to go back home and pack our things for the next morning's flight to Seattle, WA.
I will close this "journey" with that photo, which is my favorite!
Hi Demetra,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήMy name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Vail Village to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you :)
Hello Jane,
ΑπάντησηΔιαγραφήIf you have read my posts, I am an au pair and it happened to be in Vail for Thanksgiving. So, everytime that I am experienced something new or anything new to me (walks, trips etc), I write it down and post it. I don't know how can I help you though... :/